Artist: Li Xiuqin

Academic Preside: Wang Lin


Renke Art Gallery is honored to present "A BITE OF CHINA: 2021Li Xiuqin Exhibition" from March 22nd 2021 to May 22nd 2021. This exhibition displays more than 30 sets of works created by artist Li Xiuqin from 2018 to 2021.

LI Xiuqin



1982_Graduated from the Sculpture Department, Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts(now China Academy of Art, CAA), attained bachelor's degree, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China 

1988 _ Researched in Slead Academy of Arts UCL , UK 

1990_Graduated from the Sculpture Department, Manchester Metropolitan University, attained Master's degree, UK

Current _ Lives & works in Hangzhou, China 

Professor, Sculpture Department, China Academy of Art, CAA, Hangzhou 

Co-Director, 4th Studio of Sculpture Department, CAA, Hangzhou 

Researcher Fellow of State Art Academy 



2018_Touching:A Science of Tuina  (Renke Art Gallery,China,Hangzhou )

2017_Impression: concave and convex  (Renke Art Gallery,China,Hangzhou )

2017_Touching the Light: Li Xiuqin Space Works Exhibition (whitehorse lake international exhibition center,Hangzhou, China)

2015_Again . Touch . Image (Renke Art Gallery,China,Hangzhou )

2014_Touching point-Tangibleart Genrart power, 20 years of concave and convex by LI Xiqin(Tiantai art Gallery,China, Qingdao)

2014_Touching point-Tangibleart Genrart power, 20 years of concave and convex by LI Xiqin,(yuandian art Gallery,Beijing, China )

2014_Connecting art and society in Braille ,20 years of sculpture works by Li Xiuqin ( Baoshan IFAE,shanghai,China )

2014_Personal Art: Li Xiuqin Exhibition (Renke Art Gallery,China,Hangzhou )

2013_ Touching point-Tangibleart Genrart power, 20 years of concave and convex by LI Xiqin,(Hangzhou public library,Hangzhou,China)

1999_Insetallation-Sculpture-Painting(The 2nd Gallery Washington State University, WSU, USA)

1995 _ Li Xiu Qin Exhibition (CAA Art Space,Hangzhou, China)

1993 _ Sense of Touch • Concave-convex (CAA Art Space,Hangzhou , China)